Bringing Society To Psychology
Time: May 30, 2014 from 9:30am to 5:30pm
Location: Auditorium, British Library
Street: 96 Euston Road
City/Town: London NW1 2DB
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Event Type: conference
Organized By: UEL Centre for Narrative Research, NOVELLA (Narratives of Everyday Lives and Linked Approaches) NCRM Research Methods Node with the Tavistock Centre
Latest Activity: Apr 23, 2014
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Many people in the UK are now living with the impact of recession and public spending cuts in their daily lives; larger effects are still to come. Government and policy-makers predict that cuts will continue till the end of the decade, yet these measures' usefulness and necessity are much debated. This day conference brings together academics, policymakers, practitioners, and community researchers, to discuss the issues and levels of analysis that need to be taken into account when studying the cuts, and to explore the human effects and socio-political significance of living in recession.
Speakers include:
Anita Tiessen, UNICEF UK
Ann Phoenix, NOVELLA
Marcus Evans, Tavistock Centre
Mike Savage, LSE
Faiza Shaheen, New Economics Foundation
Tim Hall, University of East London and the Living Wage Campaign
Mike Rustin, Centre for Narrative Research, University of East London and Tavistock Centre
Martha Nussbaum, University of Chicago
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