Any interest in a Community Psychology Peer Supervision Group?

Hi all. Is anyone interested in setting up a community psychology peer supervision group, within the London area, with the idea of developing community psychology practice within NHS settings? 

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HI Rosanne- thanks for your presentation at the AGM, it was really great.   I would be very interested in an NHS comm psych peer supervision group. I've just this morning been getting started with setting up a comm psych Tower Hamlets - CMHT MHCOP.  Your help would be really valuable.  Let's see how many others are keen too.     Speak son,  Ros

Hi Ros, thanks for your message. I'm glad you are interested. Fingers crossed for some other responses too! Your project sounds really interesting, I'd love to hear more about it...

Speak soon!

I'd love to be part of this, unfortunately am not in the area.  I know there is a strong interest from clinical psychologists who are working in the NHS to think more about these implementing community psych, wonder if there is scope for educational psychologists to be involved also?  

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